Lush Ickle Baby Bot & Silky Underwear


Another Lush post, sorry guys but I am literally obsessed with Lush lately. I am either going in myself or sending my partner into work to pick up bits for me! I wanted a couple of bits for my little girl to make bath time a little more fun and exciting so I decided to get her some little bath bombs.

I actually picked Silky Underwear Dusting powder (£4.50) up by accident as I was looking for the No Drought dry shampoo and picked the wrong thing up! silly me. I realised my mistake once I got home and was looking through my goodies, though it was not a problem as I could use it for both me and Scarlett. I used this one on my little lady after bath time and have instantly fallen in love with it, her skin is so soft and smells amazing. This dusting powder contains cocoa butter and corn starch which softens your skin, also containing jasmine and vertivert fragrance making you smell absolutely amazing. I have found that after using the dusting powder on her skin it doesn’t dry it out unlike talc.

I also decided to grab a couple of the Ickle Baby Bot Bath Bomb (£1.95), this super cute robot bath bomb is packed with lavender oil to help those little ones off to a better nights sleep. Scarlett loves this bath bomb as it turns the water into a silky blue bath making her skin feel amazingly soft afterwards. I would definitely recommend this product to other parents as I believe it does help my little girl have a better nights sleep.

What’s your favourite Lush product?
